الجمعة، 30 مارس 2018

Ducal Bavaria (New Stem duchy

NameImageTitleStart termEnd termHousePartNote
LuitpoldMargrave of Bavaria895907Luitpolding
Arnulf the BadArnulf Bavor.jpgDuke of Bavaria907920LuitpoldingSon of Luitpold.
Arnulf the Bad claimed the title of Duke — implying full autonomy — in 911, and was recognized as such by the German King هنري فاولر, in 920.
EberhardDuke of Bavaria937938Luitpolding
BertholdDuke of Bavaria938947LuitpoldingYounger son of Luitpold.
The German King أوتو الأول reasserted central authority, banishing Arnulf's son Eberhard and re-granting the title to Berthold, a younger son of Luitpold.
Henry IHenry IIDuke of Bavaria947955سلالة أوتونيةSon of هنري فاولر.
On Berthold's death, أوتو الأول, gave the duchy to his own brother Henry (I), who was also Arnulf the Bad's son-in-law.
Henry II the QuarrelsomeHenry IIDuke of Bavaria955976سلالة أوتونيةHenry II made war upon his cousin, أوتو الثاني (إمبراطور روماني مقدس), and was deprived of his duchy in 976 in favor of his cousin Otto, Duke of Swabia (who now acquired two dukedoms).
Otto IOtto IDuke of Bavaria976982سلالة أوتونية
Henry III the YoungerDuke of Bavaria983985LuitpoldingBavaria was given to Berthold's son Henry III, briefly restoring the Luitpolding dynasty. Henry III exchanged Bavaria for Carinthia, and Henry II received Bavaria again.
Henry II the QuarrelsomeHenry IIDuke of Bavaria985995سلالة أوتونيةRestored
هنري الثاني (إمبراطور روماني مقدس)Henry IVDuke of Bavaria9951004سلالة أوتونيةSon of Henry II the Quarrelsome.
Henry IV was elected as إمبراطور روماني مقدس Henry II, who gave Bavaria to his brother-in-law هنري الخامس، دوق بافارياCount of Luxemburg in 1004.
هنري الخامس، دوق بافارياDuke of Bavaria10041009LuxemburgSon of Siegfried of Luxembourg.
هنري الثاني (إمبراطور روماني مقدس)Kronung Heinrich II.jpgDuke of Bavaria10091017سلالة أوتونيةهنري الثاني (إمبراطور روماني مقدس) reasserted direct control.
هنري الخامس، دوق بافارياDuke of Bavaria10171026LuxemburgSon of Siegfried of Luxembourg.
كونراد الثاني, King of Germany, gave Bavaria to his son Henry VI after the death of Henry V in 1026.
هنري الثالث (إمبراطور روماني مقدس)Henry the BlackDuke of Bavaria10261042سلالة ساليانSon of كونراد الثاني.
Later Henry was elected as إمبراطور روماني مقدس Henry III, and became King of Germany in 1039.
هنري السابع، دوق بافارياHenry VIIDuke of Bavaria10421047LuxemburgSon of فريدريك من لوكسمبورغ.
In 1042, هنري الثالث (إمبراطور روماني مقدس), granted the duchy to Henry VII, Count of Luxemburg, nephew of Henry V.
Conrad I(Kuno)Duke of Bavaria10491053EzzonenSon of Liudolf of Lotharingia.
After Henry VII's death, the dukedom was vacant for a couple of years. هنري الثالث (إمبراطور روماني مقدس), then gave the duchy to Kuno, Count of Zütphen, in 1049. Kuno was deposed in 1053.
هنري الرابع (إمبراطور روماني مقدس)Henry IVDuke of Bavaria10531054سلالة ساليانSon of هنري الثالث (إمبراطور روماني مقدس).
During his reign in Bavaria Henry VIII was a minor (born 1050). In 1056 he became King of Germany and إمبراطور روماني مقدس as Henry IV in 1084.
Conrad IIDuke of Bavaria10541055سلالة ساليان(minor, born 1052, died 1055) Son of هنري الثالث (إمبراطور روماني مقدس)
هنري الرابع (إمبراطور روماني مقدس)Henry IVDuke of Bavaria10551061سلالة ساليان(minor: born 1050) Son of هنري الثالث (إمبراطور روماني مقدس). Henry VIII became King of Germany (1056) and هنري الرابع (إمبراطور روماني مقدس) in 1084.
Otto IIDuke of Bavaria10611070NordheimIn 1061 Empress Agnes — the 11-year-old King هنري الرابع (إمبراطور روماني مقدس)'s mother and regent — entrusted the duchy to Otto of Nordheim.
فلف الأول، دوق بافارياWelf IDuke of Bavaria10701077أسرة فلف الأكبرWelf I subsequently quarreled with هنري الرابع (إمبراطور روماني مقدس) and was deprived of his duchy for nineteen years, during which it was directly administered by the German crown.
هنري الرابع (إمبراطور روماني مقدس)Henry IVDuke of Bavaria10771096سلالة ساليان(minor: born 1050) Son of هنري الثالث (إمبراطور روماني مقدس). Henry VIII became King of Germany (1056) and هنري الرابع (إمبراطور روماني مقدس) in 1084.
فلف الأول، دوق بافارياWelf IDuke of Bavaria10961101أسرة فلف الأكبرWelf I recovered the duchy in 1096.
Welf IIWelf IIDuke of Bavaria11011120أسرة فلف الأكبرSon of فلف الأول، دوق بافاريا
هاينريش التاسع، دوق بافاريا  (لغات أخرى)Henry IXDuke of Bavaria11201126أسرة فلف الأكبرSon of فلف الأول، دوق بافاريا.
هاينريش العاشرHenry IXDuke of Bavaria11261138أسرة فلف الأكبرSon of هاينريش التاسع، دوق بافاريا  (لغات أخرى).
In a power struggle with King كونراد الثالث, Henry X lost his duchy to the King, who granted it to his follower Leopold Margrave of Austria.
Leopold ILeopold IVDuke of Bavaria11391141BabenbergWhen Leopold died, كونراد الثالث resumed the duchy and granted it to Leopold's brother Henry XI.
Henry XI JasomirgottHenry XIDuke of Bavaria11431156BabenbergBrother of Leopold.
هاينريش الأسدHenry XIIDuke of Bavaria11561180WelfWhen فريدرش الأول بربروسا, became king of Germany, he restored Bavaria to the Welf line in the person of Henry X's son, Henry XII the Lion, Duke of Saxony.

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